

The Ramakrishna Bajaj Imaging Centre plays a pivotal role in the management of patients. Its state-of-the-art imaging facilities are provided to patients of Vidarbha region, at the lowest possible prices with quality as the main motto.


The department is equipped with modern imaging facilities like radiography with portable units, fluoroscopy, colour doppler ultrasonography, CT, MRI, mammography and digital subtraction unit. The fluoroscopy unit deals with various contrast studies. The Color Doppler Ultrasonography services provide quick, reliable and non-invasive imaging services. The department provides basic ultrasonographic facilities for medical, surgical, ophthalmic, obstetric and gynaecological patients. Obstetric USG services are provided under strict protocols as per norms of the PCPNDT Act.

A computed radiography (CR) system has been installed in the department. The availability of CR system helps in obtaining digital radiographs (for conventional , ICU setting and special investigations), significantly improves the quality of the radiographs leading to better diagnosis and improved patient care with reduced cost and better image storage facility which can be utilized for comparison as well as research in future. Another computed radiography (CR) system has been installed in the department of medicine to provide better facilities to the inpatients of the medicine department. 1.5 tesla MRI machine is equipped with newer applications like MR angiography, spectroscopy, diffusion perfusion imaging, diffusion, tactography, cranial nerve evaluation, MR mammography etc.

Monitoring and quality control: Quality is maintained by a regular monthly check up of all machines. The ALARA (As low as reasonably possible) principle is being strictly adhered to. There is a three monthly monitoring of radiation doses through the radiation monitoring devices (TLD batches).


Education is provided to MBBS and postgraduate students. A total of 2 MDs and 2 Diplomas in Radiodiagnosis are awarded every year besides providing support to the postgraduates of other departments. The department holds joint teaching sessions for postgraduate students of other departments and participates in research activities. Our residents attend conferences, CMEs and are encouraged to present papers.


Atul Tayade

Atul Tayade

Director - Professor & Head

Sushil Kumar Kale


Dhananjay Ghodke


Last Modified: Wednesday 03 July 2024.

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