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Investigation Facilities

The diagnostic services provided by the laboratories in the Departments of Pathology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Physiology and Forensic Medicine provide comprehensive support to the clinicians in MGIMS. The battery of investigations available at our service is extensive and these Departments are capable of performing most modern investigations required to confirm a diagnosis and screen for disease, with accuracy and precision. We carried out around 4,00,000 investigations in 2006-07.

These laboratories are dedicated to providing quality service and to meet this goal employ a high calibre of trained and experienced Consultant staff. They are equipped with state of the art analyzers and. systems to enable the provision of a robust and reliable daily diagnostic service.

Most routine blood samples are collected at a centralized collection centre and then distributed to different laboratories, thus liberating the patient from multiple pricks. The majority of tests are performed in-house, completed and reported on the day of receipt. Since these laboratories are connected to the sophisticated Hospital Information System, the system is user-friendly, designed around requirements of patients and makes obtaining results of reports hassle-free and fast.


The Department of Pathology has the following sections:


This section deals with surgical pathology specimens and biopsies. It is equipped with the state-of- the-art automated tissue processors, microtomes, microwave oven and knife sharpeners. We also have facilities of a cryostat which helps us in early diagnosis by frozen section technique. The section also conducts autopsies when required.


The Cytology Section has been accredited by the Indian Association of Cytologists since 2004. We examine fine needle aspiration biopsies, fluids and cervical smears, reports of which are available the same day as collection of sample. The laboratory is equipped with the latest cytocentrifuge.


The Hematology section looks at peripheral smears, bone marrow aspirates and carries out all routine and specialized hematology investigations. We also have a coagulation lab and conduct serological tests for hepatitis B and pregnancy tests. The lab is equipped with a 18 parameter automated blood cell counter and a coagulometer.

Clinical Pathology

This section conducts routine hematology and urine investigations in outpatients. Equipped with an 18 parameter automated cell counter, reports are available within a few hours of sample collection, so that consultants can review reports on the same day.

Blood Bank

The blood bank meets all requirements of whole blood of the entire hospital. All collections are voluntary and there is in-house facility of screening blood for five blood-transfusable infections. The blood bank offers free services to patients of thalassemia.


The department provides all routine diagnostic facilities to Kasturba Hospital and peripheral health centers in Wardha district.


Bacteriological diagnosis is done for the detection of both aerobic and anaerobic organisms. Facilities for preserving the isolates at 70 degree Celsius and also by lyophilisation are available.


There is a separate section for tuberculosis where besides isolation of different mycobacteria, investigation for drug resistance is carried out by routine method and by BACTEC 460 TB system. Fluorescent Microscope and CO2 incubator are other important instruments available. The department has been receiving samples for isolation and drug susceptibility testing from various parts of Vidarbha, Bilaspur and Bhopal.


This section is well equipped with automated ELISA, electrophoresis, slab and submarine gel system with illuminator and blotting system.


This section has facilities for isolation (BOD incubator) and speciation of fungi. Drug susceptibility testing of yeast is also carried out.

The department is also equipped for carrying out molecular studies and diagnosis. Routine investigations for parasitic infections are also done. The department also regularly monitors the Hospital acquired infections and plays an important role in infection control.

The Microbiology Department topped the External Quality Control programme conducted by CMC Vellore amongst 19 participating laboratories in 2006.


The Biochemistry Department carries was ranked 34th amongst laboratories in India in an External Quality Control programme conducted by CMC Vellore.

Cytogenetics Laboratory

The Dept of Anatomy runs a Cytogenetic Laboratory which screens for genetic abnormalities like infertility, Down syndrome etc. by karyotyping or chromosomal analysis.

Physiology Department

The Department of Physiology carries out several physiological tests including semen analysis.

Toxicology Department

The Forensic Medicine Dept has established the Toxicology Laboratory, the only of its kind in Vidarbha, for detection of poisons in cases of poisoning to help the physician administer suitable antidotes. The lab also handles samples from post mortems due to suspected poisoning


All these laboratories are engaged in research in the common maladies which afflict patients of this region. The Department of Pathology runs a Population Based Cancer Registry of Wardha district. The Department of Microbiology is carrying out several projects on Tuberculosis. The Department of Biochemistry is engaged in research in filariasis and tuberculosis.

Last Modified: Saturday 08 February 2025.

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