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IQAC conducts Medical Laboratory Internal Audit Course

IQAC conducts Medical Laboratory Internal Audit Course

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of MGIMS Sevagram conducted a 4-day Medical Laboratory Internal Audit and Quality Management System Course from 8-11 March 2024. The course was conducted in collaboration with the International School of Quality Management (ISQM), Hyderabad.

Dr Rajendra B Surpam (microbiologist), Dr Smita H Sudke (pathologist) and Dr Sadik Ali Mahammad (biochemist), were the faculty from ISQM for this workshop. Speaking about the course, Organizing Secretary, Dr Abhay Deshmukh said, “A total of 31 participants completed this course. Some external participants joined us online. They consisted of a good mix of faculty from MGIMS, consultants from private laboratories, senior and junior residents, technical staff as well as quality managers. The course was a good mix of theory and practical with site visits to laboratories, along with assessment. It was conducted in a very interactive manner using English, Hindi and Marathi, given the diverse nature of the participants.”

Dr Anshu, Coordinator of the IQAC, said “The Department of Biochemistry at MGIMS has already received NABL accreditation last year. Now the departments of Pathology and Microbiology are planning to apply for accreditation. Since the new ISO 15189: 2022 guidelines are now being applied, it was essential to train our staff and update them with these new standards. It is our constant endeavor at the IQAC to apply quality parameters to teaching, service and research. This step is to strengthen the diagnostic laboratories.”

The Kasturba Health Society funded the organization of this course, making it possible for faculty, students and technical staff to learn from experts and apply these ISO standards to their daily work.

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Last Modified: Wednesday 03 July 2024.

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