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Swachhata Pakhwada Activities

  • 01/04/2021 - Swachhata Pledge at Medicine OPD

  • 01/04/2021 - • Demonstartion of hand washing at Selu Kate

  • 01/04/2021 - • Demonstartion of hand washing by ASHA, Social worker to ANC, PNC and SHG members at Sevagram village

  • 01/04/2021 - Swachhata Abhiyaan in Kholapur Rao

  • 01/04/2021 - Swachhata Pledge at Medicine OPD


  • 02/04/2022 - Hand washing demonstration Bhankheda village

  • 02/04/2022 - Cleanliness of Dharmanand Hostel Premises

  • 02/04/2022 - Cleanliness activity at Kasturba Nursing College IT LAB

  • 04/04/2022 - Health Talk on Safe Drinking Water at Dhotra Village

  • 04/04/2022 - Gram Swachhata Abhiyaan at Anji

  • 04/04/2022 -Swachhata Abhiyaan at KRHTC Anji

  • 05/04/2022 - Health talk on hygiene and hand washing demonstration at Bhankheda village

  • 05/04/2022 - Cleanliness Drive at Kasturba Nursing College Office

  • 06/04/2022 - Hand washing demo. School children by ASHA and social worker Ekurli village.jpg

  • 06/04/2022 - KNC Students raising awareness about cleanliness.jpg

  • 06/04/2022 - KNC Students raising awareness about cleanliness

  • 06/04/2022 - KNC Students raising awanreness about cleanliness

  • 06/04/2022 - Health talk on hygiene and hand washing demo. For women of SHG by ASHA and Social worker Goji village.jpg

  • 07/04/2022 - WHO Day Celebration & Cleanliness of Labs by Kasturba Nursing School

  • 07/04/2022 - WHO Celebration Day by Kasturba Nursing College

  • 07/04/2022 - WHO Celebration Day by Kasturba Nursing College

  • 07/04/2022 - WHO Celebration Day by Kasturba Nursing College

  • 07/04/2022 - WHO Celebration Day by Kasturba Nursing College

  • 08/04/22 - World Health Day celebration by the students of Kasturba Nursing College at Rural Health Center, Anji

  • 08/04/22 - World Health Day celebration by the students of Kasturba Nursing College at Rural Health Center, Anji

  • 08/04/22 - World Health Day celebration by the students of Kasturba Nursing College at Rural Health Center, Anji

  • 09/04/2022 - KNC Students raising awareness about cleanliness

  • 09/04/2022 - KNC Staff cleaning the laboratories

  • 10/04/2022 - Swachhata abhiyan at OT Complex (Before)

  • 10/04/2022 - Swachhata abhiyan at OT Complex (After)

  • 10/04/2022 - Swachhata abhiyan at NICU

  • 10/04/2022 - Health Education on BMW on Sawachata Abhiyan

  • 12/04/2022 -Kasturba Nursing College classrooms before cleaning

  • 12/04/2022 - Hand washing demonstration in Anganwadi by ASHA and Social worker to 0 to 5 yrs children and Mothers at Dhotra

  • 12/04/2022 - Kasturba Nursing College classrooms after cleaning

  • 14/04/2022 - Swachhata Abhiyan at Kasturba Hospital

  • 14/04/2022 - Swachhata Abhiyan at Kasturba Hospital

  • 14/04/2022 - Swachhata Abhiyan at Kasturba Hospital


Shri Dhirubhai Mehta (1936-2024): KHS condoles the...
Last Modified: Wednesday 03 July 2024.

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