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Critical Training for Critical Cases in Obstetrics hosted

Critical Training for Critical Cases in Obstetrics hosted

16th Sept 2017.  In collaboration with JIV Daya Foundation, Dallas, Texas, a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Programme was jointly organized by the departments of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics and Anaesthesiology in the academic hall of gynecology department. ‘Every second matters for her’ was the theme of the programme. Critical Training for critical cases in Obstetrics was given to improve maternal and child health in rural areas of Wardha district.

The CPD was inaugurated by Dr P Madhavi (Civil surgeon, Wardha) in the presence of Dr BS Garg (Secretary, KHS) and Dr KR Patond (Dean, MGIMS). Dr Patond welcomed the delegates to the CPD and Dr Garg introduced the concept of maternal and child health wing to the audience. Dr Poonam Shivkumar Varma (Organizing Chairperson) talked about the theme of CPD.

The aim of this CPD was to train auxiliary nurse midwives, medical officers, residents, private practitioners and nursing students in management of post-partum hemorrhage, eclampsia, use of partography and adult and neonatal CPR. 140 delegates attended this programme. Eminent speakers and delegates from Amrawati, Akola, Nagpur and Chandrapur were present. The CPD started with the description of obstetric emergencies followed by introduction of concept of triage, rapid initial assessment and reinforcement of referral protocols. 

Latest concepts of management of post-partum hemorrhage (PPH) were demonstrated and discussed. Experience and results of use of uterine balloon tamponade for PPH were shared with the audience. The representatives of Jiv Daya Foundation demonstrated the use of non pneumatic shock garment for transferring the patients of hemorrhagic shock from periphery to tertiary centre. Zero hour management of eclampsia was discussed and preparation of magnesium sulphate for treatment of eclampsia was shown. The use of E- partography as an innovative tool for monitoring the progress of labour thereby averting maternal and perinatal complication during labour was emphasized.  Rational use of blood and blood products was reinforced and infection prevention practices were revisited.

Academic sessions on adult and neonatal resuscitation, basic mechanical ventilation and management of sick new born was discussed. Hands on skill training on the management of PPH, eclampsia, adult and neonatal resuscitation was given.

The event ended on a happy note with positive feedback from participants and speakers and pledge to commitment towards maternal and neonatal health. Dr Poonam Varma firmly stressed upon the timely management required to be given to the obstetrics patients. “Postpartum hemorrhage can be quite serious. However, quickly detecting and treating the cause of bleeding can often lead to a full recovery”, she assured. Dr Shuchi Jain (Organizing Secretary) proposed the vote of thanks.




















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