Vijayashri Abhijit Khairkar

Director Professor & Head

Dr Vijayshri Deotale graduated in 1988 and obtained MD (Microbiology) in 1992 from MGIMS. She soon joined the department of Microbiology at MGIMS and over the last two decades, has contributed substantially to the diagnostic research and teaching in her department.  Her areas of interests are diagnostic research and mechanisms of antibiotic resistance. She also works on viruses.

Recipient of best paper presentation awards in the 1993 and 2004 Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists conferences, Dr Vijayshri has worked on several ICMR and IDSP funded projects and has also served as an international collaborator in Sentry project in 2006.

She considers her paper on metallo-beta-lactamase as her best publication- the issue was hot and yet very few researchers were working on this topic in 2004.  Her other noteworthy publication is on Clindamycin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus.


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Last Modified: Wednesday 03 July 2024.

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